Has anyone had success getting small bills for specialized equipment and supplies to get paid through the waiver? I have entered the prior auth number, the line description, as well as, the other information typically required for a claim – I haven’t had luck getting them to pull into a claim batch so I’m trying to do them through MN-its. When I validate prior to submitting I get a claim status code 41 – special handling required at payer site. I also get 252 entity’s prior auth/certification number note: this code requires the use of an entity code. Any ideas of what fields I’m missing to make these go away?
Thank you!
Taylor Spilde
Fiscal Officer
Norman County Social Services
Tel: 218-784-5404
Fax: 218-784-7142
We were told when you claim equipment and supplies we need to have the modifier “NU” on the claim to let them know if it’s new or “RR” if it is a rental. Perhaps that’s the issue?
ReplyDeleteBuffy Johanson
Pine County Account Technician
Phone 320-216-4156
It’s been a while. But you should also attach documentation to the claim you send in MN-ITS.
ReplyDeleteDoug from Freeborn
You also have to put in a claim note under the authorization number that matches the note on the service agreement line item in MMIS. I also add to that note “not covered by medicare” if the client is on medicare. When you validate the claim, you will get the claim status codes P2 – 46 and P2 – 41. This is ok. The claim just needs to be reviewed at DHS before it is paid. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Donna Valek
Big Stone County | Family Services
Fiscal Officer
Phone: (320) 839 2555 | Fax: (320) 839 3966
340 2nd St. NW , P.O. Box 338
Ortonville , MN 56278
On the tab with the Prior Authorization number I put in the Claim note what was purchased (wedges, therapy rolls, etc-None of these are covered by MA). I also add us as the Rendering Provider and use NU for a modifier.
ReplyDeleteKim Giese, Fiscal Officer
Watonwan County Human Services