Wednesday, March 23, 2022

NPI Numbers - Who needs them?


I am looking for a contact for knowledge in the area of NPI numbers.

When is it necessary to have a separate NPI number?  Should counties as an organization only have one?





Lisa Stadler

Accounting and Collections Supervisor

Rice County Social Services



  1. My understanding is each NPI is tied to a taxonomy code (the services provided). Our county has one for Public Health/Welfare that we use for billing in-home support units and services, and one for CD services for an in-house contractor. Each of our Adult Services social workers has two NPIs, one for care coordination (type 27), and one for case management (type 23).

    Lori Ericson
    Fiscal Supervisor
    Cook County Public Health & Human Services
    (218) 387-3612

  2. I agree with Lori that its tied to the taxonomy code. We have separate NPIs for Public Health and Social Services.

    Lavelle Kroontje
    Fiscal Supervisor
    Cass County Health Human & Veteran Services
    400 Michigan Ave, PO Box 519
    Walker, MN 56484

    Direct line: 218-547-6810
    Main Office: 218-547-1340
    Fax: 218-547-1039

  3. Our workers have their own numbers, but our agency only has one, and I use that same number for claiming everything – CD assessments, TCM, waiver case management, care coordination and transportation. We didn’t get an agency NPI until we needed to claim from MCO’s.

    Christine Hultman
    Lake of the Woods

  4. Lisa –

    Here at Scott County we have multiple NPI numbers for billing purposes. This allows us to separate out the different types on payments received on remittance advices to make it easier to receipt the monies.

    Here are the different services that we have for each NPI.

    - Mental Health Center
    - Public Health Nursing
    - C & TC
    - Case Management – PMAP Insurance Clients
    - Then we have an UMPI for straight MA clients (TCM’s, Rule 5, Waivers, CEHI, Medicare B, CCM, Interpreters, CSG, SUD)
    Thank You –
    Terri Quernemoen

  5. We do as well.

    Paul Prokosch
    Fiscal and Child Support Supervisor
    Mille Lacs County Community and Veterans Services

  6. This document should answer your questions.
    Here is documentation from Medicare on these questions:

    Should counties as an organization only have one? This is covered under the section of Subpart within the attachment. (search by subpart in the document)

    Suzann Bakken
    Assistant Controller
    Olmsted County Finance
    Phone & Fax 507-328-6460
