Subject Matter Experts (SME)

This page is a place for staff to share processes. If you have a process that you think is the bees knees and will help other counties please send an email to Shelley Koen. We will post the subject with a brief overview and your contact information. Then other counties can browse the page and look for ideas that can save time. 

Process: Using Adobe to scan paid bills into our shared drive to access electronically. 
Reason: At MNPrairie we decided it was not cost effective to fund a full EDMS system for our billings. We developed a process that allows us to access all our billings electronically and does not take a lot of labor... and cost us nothing to implement. We scan our paid bills into Adobe and have developed a file system to keep it organized and easy to access.  If you are a smaller county who is in our same situation and want more information please email for more information.