Thursday, July 23, 2020

3rd Party Payroll Question


What are other's experiences using a third party payroll service such as ADP or Paychex?  What are the pros and cons? 

Thank you

Scott Nagel
Fiscal Manager
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
Jackson, Minnesota 56143

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Write Off Policy


Does anyone have a writeoff policy that they can share that covers Public Health receivables, collections especially for detox and mental health, as well as uncashed warrants?

Thank you

Scott Nagel
Fiscal Manager
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
Jackson, Minnesota 56143

Friday, June 26, 2020

CARES spending


How are other counties spending this new Federal CARES Act Funding Bill money that Rep Barb Haley just sent out this week?

And how are your counties justifying what is COVID related spending and what is not?

Gwen Resech

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Amazon Business Account Question


Does anyone use an Amazon Business account for their agency?  We are looking at setting this up due to the increased number of Amazon purchases and to ensure that no one is gaining personally with their own credit card perks.  If you do use, please let me know how it’s working and if you have developed a policy/procedure… I’d love to see it.


Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Reconciling Maxis Invoice


I am looking for a county that has a good procedure in place for reconciling the maxis invoice.
Hoping someone has one to share.

Lisa Stadler
Accounting and Collections Supervisor
Rice County Social Services

Monday, June 22, 2020

Tracking Cash


How does your HHS department handle cash?  Do you track it on a Fund level or Department level?  Our Auditor’s office is questioning our process and would like to know how other counties handle the tracking of cash.


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Friday, June 19, 2020

Reimb for meals/mileage


Two Blog questions

1.  What are county policies regarding reimbursement for meals?  Has that changed? Are you following Federal guidelines?
2.  What are county policies for mileage reimbursement for own car between offices, over a certain miles?  Do you encourage use of agency vehicles?

Thank you

Scott Nagel
Fiscal Manager
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
Jackson, Minnesota 56143

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

72 hour MH holds/no insurance


During our budget planning sessions this year, a question was raised about bills we are receiving from hospitals across the state when one of our county residents is put on a 72 hour mental health hold and they have no insurance.  We are responsible for covering these costs. When we receive these bills timely, we can work to get the individual on MA and MA often covers retroactively for up to 3 months.  However, we often do not receive these until after 3 months has past and then we are left to use county funding to cover some pretty high costs. 
Are there any counties that have a better process, so 72 hour hold bills are received more timely?

Emily Ehnes
Fiscal Supervisor
Sherburne County Health & Human Services
phone 763-765-4025  fax 763-765-4096

Monday, June 8, 2020

Gas/Gift Cards


More and more state grants are suggesting gas cards, or gift cards as acceptable uses of grant and allocation funds.  Could other counties share their policies and procedures for gas cards and gift cards?  We find the process labor intensive including an OnBase form to obtain supervisor approval, individual inventory tracking of each card, and then if it is for a child in social services it would require entry in SSIS.

Thanks Julie!

Wright County, Minnesota
Christine Partlow • Business Manager • (763) 682-7409

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Workgroup question


Our Social Services supervisor who supervises MNCHOICE Assessors and Case Managers recently separated out the assessor’s vs case managers.  The workers were at that point instructed to open all initial assessment and re-assessment workgroups to 600 Adult Services.

I was not involved in these initial conversations, but am questioning why if an assessment is being completed for clearly a DD client or a re-assessment for a DD client to remain on the DD waiver, why the assessment workgroup was opened up as 600 Adult Services instead of 500 DD using 605 and 505 respectively?  I’ve always understood that the workgroup plays part when calculating our rates.


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

EDMS for Social Services


Update: I received quite a few emails with great information. I am going to post it all below for everyone to access. It was very helpful.

We are looking for information on counties that are using and Electronic Data Management System for Social Services. What products are counties using? Do they tie in with all our programs? What benefits are you seeing?  Please comment or contact me directly.

Thank you,

Shelley Koen
Accounting Supervisor
Minnesota Prairie County Alliance
(p) 507-923-2913
(f) 507-635-6186
22 East 6th Street, Dept 401
Mantorville, MN 55955

R10(which includes Winona, Fillmore, Houston, Goodhue, Wabasha and Freeborn Counties) County Income Maintenance/Child Support Units:
The Income Maintenance/Child Support Units use 2 products; Compass Pilot by Northwoods and OnBase by Hyland.  Compass Pilot handles all the Forms creation(whether it be DHS or County Specific forms) and scanning of paper documents, which are then automatically imported into OnBase, our document repository system.  When staff are in the process of creating the Forms or scanning the paper documents in Compass Pilot, certain fields or keywords on these forms and documents are automatically filled in using a daily download of the MAXIS data from the State of MN.  Such fields are the most commonly asked fields on all Forms such as Name, Address, Phone number, SS#, etc., which greatly decreases the amount of time it takes staff to fill out the forms with the correct data.    OnBase stores the client’s case files.  Along with storing the Case Files, OnBase also has configured a Workflow for each case file.  Depending upon what a particular clients’ needs are, certain Forms will flow to specified Work Queues and are ready for the Income Maintenance or Child Support Staff to pick up and “work” the document and process the documents accordingly.  Winona County has partnered with 5 other Counties named above and we store their client case files in OnBase and their Income Maintenance/Child Support Staff also utilize Compass Pilot and OnBase from our Servers here in Winona County.  I have reached out to our Income Maintenance/Child Support Supervisor to provide a statement on the benefits of our EDMS System, since I work in the IT world and don’t have the daily contact with the staff.  Her comments are below:
Benefit for IM & Child Support:
  • I have staff who work from home (not just during pandemic) and they are able to work without any issues due to our EDMS system. They are able to access all incoming documents and work cases as they normally would, had they been in the office
  • In sharing an EDMS system with a handful of other counties that border us, we don’t have to physically transfer case files between counties when clients move.
  • For DHS audits, it is easy to locate the documents
  • Less physical storage required in agency for hard copies
  • For me as the Supervisor, I can easily track what my staff are doing as well as answer any client questions/complaints by pulling up the documents in EDMS. I can also track to make sure we are hitting our required processing timelines set by DHS. Finally, I can monitor when we need overtime as well as justify new hires due to caseload volumes and amount of processing taking place.
  • Significantly increases productivity and also cuts processing time down

Social Services Unit in Winona County-Social Workers:
The Social Services Unit in Winona County uses Compass Pilot and Compass Co-Pilot(iPad) for their case files.  OnBase is the document repository where their case files are stored but they don’t even realize it is OnBase that stores them.  The Social Workers just utilize Compass Pilot and OnBase sits in the background.  They create all Forms(DHS & County specific) in Compass Pilot and any documents scanned in are scanned in thru Compass Pilot.  The Forms are auto filled in with the Client’s Name, Address, Phone, SS#, etc. by a SSIS update that Compass Pilot gets every 30 minutes from the State of MN SSIS Server.  This greatly reduces the time to fill out forms/scanning/filling out keywords, etc.  Staff are able to retrieve a client’s case file from within Compass Pilot.  Staff are able to upload a client’s case file into the Cloud(we use Amazon Government Cloud services) and then retrieve the case file on their iPad thru Compass Co-Pilot during client visits at client’s houses, etc.  Client visits are much easier when the case file is on the iPad vs. physical paper file.  There is no type of Workflow associated with the Social Services side within Pilot or OnBase, however, they do have “Tasks” assigned to them for completion of certain items within Compass Pilot.  I believe Karen Bunkowski, one of our Social Services Supervisors, has already emailed you with the benefits and such of Compass Pilot/Co-Pilot programs.

Hopefully the above explanations have help.  Please feel free to contact me with any other questions.


Lois Ekern
Winona County IT Department
EDMS Specialist


I worked in Marshall County for over 13 years and we used CaseWorks up there and loved it!! Now that I am in Traverse, we have just put the IM side on CW and will start with the SS side later this spring/early summer.

They are so attentive to what is needed and needs to change. They are local and make programming changes so quickly if it is needed (that was more in the early days in Marshall).

I contacted some Marshall County workers b/4 we went with them to make sure that they are still happy with their work and the programs and they are still just as satisfied.

I believe they are also working on a Highway and Accounting addition……so I’m excited for those to release eventually.

CW works great for any size county/agency.

If you need anything further, I would gladly chat with you or email back and forth if you would like.


Shelly Staebler, FAS/Fiscal


Hubbard uses Document Manager from Information Systems Corp. 
Licenses are expensive but can use concurrent, service is great.
We have noticed an issue since working from home. If a user just brings home their laptop (which is their workstation), and VPNs in, they can’t access the server that Document Manger is on.  The only way they can access it is if they run a remoted desktop application.  We don’t have the capabilities of doing that right now so it isn’t working. 
We just recently had a visit from Northwoods in Ohio.  They have a couple of solutions that we are looking at.  Covid happened after their site visit so we haven’t gotten any proposal from them yet. 

Thank You,
Kathy Melvin
Information System Specialist


Otter Tail County is working with Next Chapter Technology as they develop the Accounting CaseWorks Edition (ACE).  Due to the COVID crisis, they were able to fast track and we are in a soft live as of May 1.  ACE has allowed our accounting department to work from home on most days for the past 8 weeks, allowing the sharing of documents and viewing invoices.  Electronic approval from supervisors and the ability to process employee timesheets has been extremely helpful.

Diane Aschnewitz
Human Services Finance Manager
Fiscal Supervisor
530 W Fir Ave
Fergus Falls MN 56537


In Douglas County we use Compass Pilot by Northwoods. We implemented all units at one time in January 2018. It was a huge endeavor, and in looking back we would have staggered the implementation. But we are very happy with the system. Took about 4 months of research to determine best vendor, another 4 months of development with the vendor to determine taxonomy and processes, then 3 months of onsite training and implementation.

We looked at Application Extender, CaseWorks and Northwoods Compass for systems. They all had pros/cons. We liked the mobile solution with Compass the best, social workers have iPads that they use in the field. Integration with social workers was the most difficult, but 90% of them now would not let me take their iPad back from them, they love it.

We developed an internal team to develop the taxonomy (electronic filing system). It consisted of Office Services Supervisor (which was me), all three Social Services Supervisors and 7 social workers (at least one from each area --- child protection/chem dep/mental health/DD/licensing). We ended up tweaking it before we went live as the vendor (Northwoods) guided us in the process and our initial plan was too large to maintain. It is a sweet spot of enough unique categories and not having each page in a separate document type.

We were blessed with an incredible implementation team from Northwoods. Training of staff is critical. It is a lot to learn, so let them practice and play around before you go live. We had staff scan 20 of their files, then Office Support scanned the rest of the active files. Archive files are still being scanned as time permits. Management needs to be highly involved and supportive.

If you want to connect via phone, I am happy to provide additional information.


Tresa Schmidt
Assistant Director

Douglas County Social Services
809 Elm Street, Suite 1186
Alexandria, MN 56308
320.762.3833 Fax


For the programs I supervise we use Northwood’s product which I believe is built on the EDMS platform (the technical wording and technology are beyond me, sorry).  The programs I supervise in this system are: CAC, CADI, DD and BI waives; Rule 185; FSG; CSG; and Adult Mental Health.

The initial set up to the system was a bit complicated; however, it has been worth it.  A crisis like COVID 19 and suddenly all your staff working off-site has helped us all further realize how well our work is supported by NOT having paper files.  Staff have run into very few barriers by suddenly needing to work off site as the information they need is available to them via the electronic file. 

The Northwood’s system has 2 parts: Pilot and Co-pilot. Pilot is the desktop version and has everything you need access to: forms to be used as well as case files. Co-pilot is your portable desk in theory. Co-pilot is on our ipads and is the version you take in the field with you to get forms signed by clients, to see client related documents, etc. 

Some documents can be set up to auto fill common information such as name, address, etc as long as that information is accurate in SSIS, as this information pulls in from SSIS for your identified cases. 

The programs not really do other interfacing with SSIS or other commonly used programs though to my knowledge. 

Our staff using PH-Doc found the Northwood’s product to not be as beneficial to them so I would caution jumping in too fast for this group.  I would advise more careful analysis of possible pros and cons first before purchasing this product and needed equipment for those currently using Ph-Doc. 

If you have other questions, I’d be happy to try to reply to those to the best of my ability.

Karen L. Bunkowski- Supervisor
Winona County Health and Human Services
202 West Third Street
Winona MN 55987
(507) 457-6264-phone
(507) 454-9381-fax


Mark Jensen, Fiscal Supervisor forwarded your message on to me for feedback. For our Social Services we have contracted with Next Chapter Technologies for our EDMS services. We also have  this same vendor for our Income Maintenance and Child Support. We are gathering information on our fiscal area as well. We have been very, very pleased with this product and work flow. Especially when we have so many social workers working from home right now. The EDMS functions do interface with other programs/units. Workers can also get read only capability for the other EDMS units in order to look up needed information rather than requesting from other workers. They also have fillable forms – both county and state. It makes completing necessary documents very efficient. It syncs with SMI in real time. We have also have had upgrades installed that are not at an additional price. We have definitely see our return on our investment with this product. I do not believe you would be disappointed.   

Penny Messer
Family Services
Oakview Office Complex, 1700 E Rum River Drive S, Suite A | Cambridge, MN  55008
Phone: (763) 689-1711 | Direct: (763) 689-8152 | Fax: (763) 689-9877
A modern community where all are treated as neighbors

Friday, April 17, 2020

Auditing the Child Foster Care Report


In a recent Audit we had in Dakota the question was made as to how we are auditing the Child Foster Care Report.   Does anyone have a process in place whereby someone other than the person completing the report does an audit and then submits it or does one person do all the proofing and also the submission to DHS?     I’m just looking at options on how this could be done since we are all doing proofing work throughout the quarter and not just after the quarter ends.  Thank you for anyone that has input on this topic.

Jodi Smith
Financial Analyst

Social Services
P    651-554-6647
A    1 Mendota Rd W, Suite 300, West St Paul, MN 55118

Thursday, February 13, 2020


02-13-20 -
We are hoping some of you may have already figured out how you plan to report your Human Services-related custodial funds, a big change caused by GASB 84. If so, are any of you willing to share your new custodial fund financial statements with us?

For Olmsted this includes Rep Payee, regional grants (AMHI, Mobile Crisis, FGDM), the Children’s Collaborative, Child Support funds (we accept cash from non-custodial parents and cut a check to the State), and our collections on behalf of the State/Feds (MA, GRH, etc.)

We’d appreciate any help any of you can send our way!

Janet Erickson, CPFO
Olmsted County Finance