Tuesday, June 16, 2020

72 hour MH holds/no insurance


During our budget planning sessions this year, a question was raised about bills we are receiving from hospitals across the state when one of our county residents is put on a 72 hour mental health hold and they have no insurance.  We are responsible for covering these costs. When we receive these bills timely, we can work to get the individual on MA and MA often covers retroactively for up to 3 months.  However, we often do not receive these until after 3 months has past and then we are left to use county funding to cover some pretty high costs. 
Are there any counties that have a better process, so 72 hour hold bills are received more timely?

Emily Ehnes
Fiscal Supervisor
Sherburne County Health & Human Services
phone 763-765-4025  fax 763-765-4096

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