Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Collections Officer


Does your county have a Collections Officer?  If so, what are their duties.  If you do not have a Collections Officer, who fulfills pieces of that role (Case Aide, Eligibility Worker, etc.)? 

Do any county’s contract out for this service?  IF so, specifically what?

Thank you.

Erin Marks
Watonwan County

Here is a link to where it was asked over a year ago. I am sure there are updates that could be very helpful for everyone.
  NOTE: this will take you to our old blog. It is still active so we can use the history from it. 

Monday, December 30, 2019

Combining Public Health with Human Services


I have been assigned to a committee to analyze combining Public Health with Human Services.  We are located in separate buildings and there is no plan to combine us into one location, so if we combined the director would oversee two locations.  If your county combined and you have any advice or words of wisdom to share regarding the positives and negatives of combining, I would appreciate your help.  Each committee member is reaching out to their peers across the state to gather info and then we will be combing everything into one document for the County Board to review and make a decision.

Thank you,

Amie Gendron
Administrative Services Supervisor
Wadena County Human Services
124 1st ST SE
Wadena, MN  56482
Telephone:  218-632-2535
Fax:  218-631-7616

Friday, November 22, 2019

Volunteer Drivers and 1099s


What kind of feedback did you hear from your volunteer drivers last year when 1099s were issued?  If you did issue to your drivers, what box did you use for the income type?  I’m trying to be in a better spot with this year and have a better response to our drivers when they are questioning the 1099 again.


Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fiscal Orientation Checklist


Does anyone have a fiscal orientation checklist that you go through with new employees that you are willing to share?

Thank you.

Erin Sandbo-Marks
Watonwan County

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MA Estate Recovery question


We have the person who is currently working our MA Estate Recoveries is retiring next spring.  We are looking at contracting her back to do just this piece of collections temporarily.  I’d like to somehow offset the settle up for MA Estate Recovery cases with the amount that is charged by her for each case like we would do with out of pocket expenses as part of that collections process.  How do you…how would you… handle this?  I’m making a last run through my budget before I meet with our budget committee and want to figure this in wherever it is appropriate.  Any insight is appreciated!


Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Volunteer Drivers & 1099's


What changes have you made to how you pay volunteer drivers after making it through the 2018 tax season?  We have lost a few drivers and have a few others that still believe that they should not receive a 1099 and refuse to sign a W-9.  How are you coding your 1099s?  Do you have any good information that has surfaced through this process?

Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leasing Vehicles


Wadena is considering leasing vehicles and heard a presentation from Enterprise Fleet Services.  Do any counties use another fleet leasing service and if so, which company and do you have a contact person you can share their info?

Thank you,

Amie Gendron
Administrative Services Supervisor
Wadena County Human Services
124 1st ST SE
Wadena, MN  56482
Telephone:  218-632-2535
Fax:  218-631-7616

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

E-connect issues


Does anyone use MN-Econnect and/or Availity for billing EW or Ability Care case mgmt.? I have been running into many issues with E-connect and am considering Availity.
Please email me if you have used either. Thank you!

Thank you,

(P) (507)-431-5613
(F) (507)-451-5947

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Registered Dietitian billing


We have a Registered Dietician within our Public Health Department, and are wondering if any other counties are or know if we can bill insurance for her time spent working with high risk families as a dietician as opposed to her coding that time as WIC?  Is this something we would need to be Medicare certified as an agency to bill for?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor/Collections Officer

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Monday, September 9, 2019

Rep Payee Directory


I am looking to compile a directory of Rep Payee companies throughout the state.  
Due to the April Changes in Social Security Rules a rep payee must be located within 70 miles from the individual that is being served.    

This means counties that place people further than 70 miles from the individual that is serving rep payee are having to locate someone else to serve.   It is also affecting private individuals who are coming to the counties to find someone that could serve.  

I have received calls from other counties seeking information on who is available in our area (Beltrami)  and have passed on the information. Our county does not want to serve as rep payee for individuals that we are not doing case management on so we refer them out if they are not case managed here.

Amber Gamache
Accounting Technician
Beltrami County Health and Human Services
218-333-4277 phone
218-333-4131 fax

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PMAP procedures questions/examples


I’m interested in getting examples of procedures for entering PMAP claims for TCM into MN E Connect and Availity.
In particular I am interested in what documentation folks are savings for audit purposes and how long.

Lisa Stadler
Accounting and Collections Supervisor
Rice County Social Services

Provider Tax/Service Category


There was a topic brought up at the last Public Health Regional Meeting regarding the Provider Tax.  Are other counties including public health home visits in the gross receipt section?  What service category are you including this under?


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor/Collections Officer

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Thursday, July 11, 2019

FC Mileage and other expenses

We are updating our Foster Care Handbook, and are wondering how other counties are handling non-medical mileage reimbursement.  Are you including it all in the MAPCY rate, gas cards, paying full federal rate for each eligible trip?

Any other options would be appreciated!


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor/Collections Officer

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Road Side Assistance


Do any counties purchase road side assistance coverage for their staff when using agency vehicles?  Can you share your county process for when a staff person breaks down in a county car? 
Thank you,

Amie Gendron
Administrative Services Supervisor
Wadena County Human Services
124 1st ST SE
Wadena, MN  56482
Telephone:  218-632-2535
Fax:  218-631-7616

Blog Suggestions


What are things you would like to see on our blog/website that would help counties?

I will say that I would like to make sure staff share the blog questions with their staff and encourage them to answer blog questions if it is their area.

I am going to add a page for best practices. If people think they have something down pat and want to share that knowledge they can write something up. That way others can contact them.

Please take a spin around the blog and either write comments on this post or email them directly to shelley.koen@mnprairie.org

FYI - the conference handouts are in the process of being added. Hopefully that will be complete this week. I am going to include the snip-it from the agenda and then  put the handout link below the verbage. Great seeing everyone.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Testing a new blog


Just playing around and testing a different set up. Feel free to leave comments below but don't shred me...