Monday, December 30, 2019

Combining Public Health with Human Services


I have been assigned to a committee to analyze combining Public Health with Human Services.  We are located in separate buildings and there is no plan to combine us into one location, so if we combined the director would oversee two locations.  If your county combined and you have any advice or words of wisdom to share regarding the positives and negatives of combining, I would appreciate your help.  Each committee member is reaching out to their peers across the state to gather info and then we will be combing everything into one document for the County Board to review and make a decision.

Thank you,

Amie Gendron
Administrative Services Supervisor
Wadena County Human Services
124 1st ST SE
Wadena, MN  56482
Telephone:  218-632-2535
Fax:  218-631-7616

1 comment:

  1. Todd County Health & Human Services is located in one location and I think the combining of PH and SS was a positive move for Todd County. I was part of the original committee to determine what a HHS department would/could look like in Todd County. Of course at the time, there were many unknowns and change can be difficult. The planning and implementation process took approximately 1.5 years.
    I think the combining of the two departments would have been much more difficult if our PH & SS would have stayed in two separate locations. That would have felt more like each department sharing a Director, not becoming one department.
