Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Road Side Assistance


Do any counties purchase road side assistance coverage for their staff when using agency vehicles?  Can you share your county process for when a staff person breaks down in a county car? 
Thank you,

Amie Gendron
Administrative Services Supervisor
Wadena County Human Services
124 1st ST SE
Wadena, MN  56482
Telephone:  218-632-2535
Fax:  218-631-7616

1 comment:

  1. Jen Albjerg- GrantJuly 1, 2019 at 8:49 AM

    Do you have county owned cars or Enterprise type lease? We have leases and Roadside is included. We created a informal process...
    If only 1 vehicle(ours) involved, and is drivable, take photos and report if needed, let the supervisor know, then head back to office or destination. If not drivable, then call Roadside to arrange a tow and be in contact with the office to arrange for a ride or rental depending on the situation.
    If multi vehicle, call law enforcement, we'll need a report for MCIT, take photos, exchange insurance info with other parties, let the supervisor know. If drivable, then head back to office or to destination. If not drivable, then call Roadside to arrange a tow and be in contact with the office to arrange for a ride or rental depending on the situation.

    We have had both come up and documentation is the most important part. We do not have a designated person in SS to handle all car related issues and tracking, so it usually falls on fiscal to coordinate. We actually had a brand new lease vehicle breakdown 5 hours from the office and it was drivable... not great on a Friday afternoon at 2 pm. We worked with Enterprise to line up a rental for the worker and left the car at a dealer for repairs in Austin, MN. The bad part... we paid for transport back to the office because schedules did not line up to pick it back up.

    Hope this helps and I'm interested in the other comments to see if there is a better process!
