Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MA Estate Recovery question


We have the person who is currently working our MA Estate Recoveries is retiring next spring.  We are looking at contracting her back to do just this piece of collections temporarily.  I’d like to somehow offset the settle up for MA Estate Recovery cases with the amount that is charged by her for each case like we would do with out of pocket expenses as part of that collections process.  How do you…how would you… handle this?  I’m making a last run through my budget before I meet with our budget committee and want to figure this in wherever it is appropriate.  Any insight is appreciated!


Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

1 comment:

  1. I think you would just have to contract her back and pay that as a contracted service. I don't think you could offset the cost of that against the money she is brining in. I would reach out to Geneva Finn at the state. geneva.finn@state.mn.us
