Monday, June 26, 2023

Paying for Childcare for Children in FC


How does your County handle paying childcare for children in Foster Care.  Considering the MAPCY supplement amount and the total amount of the monthly charges from the facilities.

Do you pay monthly?  Weekly?  Just trying to come up with something easier and more streamline.




Patti Evenson

Accounting Technician

she/ her

Goodhue County Health and Human Services – Finance Division

426 West Avenue, Red Wing, MN 55066

Phone: (651) 385-3221

Fax: (651) 267-4879



  1. In MNPrairie, it depends on the preference of the child care provider. Most providers are told up front what the foster parents are responsible for. I try to get the providers to submit an invoice rather than filling out an SSIS voucher. That way they can show on their invoice any payment received from the foster care provider. Some facilities get paid monthly, which is our preference. But many providers like to be paid weekly or bi-weekly. We also prefer to pay the child care provider directly, rather than reimburse the foster parent. Not very easy or streamlined, but hopefully that helps.

  2. In Rice County we have the daycare provider submit a SSIS voucher/invoice monthly. The foster parent is responsible to pay the MAPCY supplement they receive to their provider. The county will then pay the daycare provider the remaining balance.

  3. In Watonwan County we only have our Human Services Board meetings once a month so our vendors (including daycare providers) are only paid once per month. We figured out what the MAPCY supplemental payment rate is for daycare and let the Foster Parent know per week how much they are responsible for paying the daycare provider. I then have a form that I have the daycare provider fill out showing initial amount charged, amount paid by the foster parent, and amount remaining. I do tell the foster parent to work it out with the daycare provider how they would like to receive their portion of the payment i.e. weekly, monthly, etc.

  4. We have the daycare provider send us a monthly invoice for the amount we agree to contribute towards daycare.

  5. Before the time of MAPCY assessments (DOC rates), we paid for childcare costs directly to the childcare provider as needed. Ever since 2015, when the MAPCY assessment rate takes into account if the child is in part-time or full-time childcare, we pay very few childcare bills. Those times were when the foster child was at a childcare center with a rate much higher than family daycare. Another time was when the foster family did not have the funds to pay for childcare before getting their monthly foster care payment but the childcare provider required weekly payments.
