Wednesday, June 28, 2023

AMH-TCM Billing Question


I’ve been trying to bill AMH-TCM for a straight MA client for a  client we did telehealth with in May. According to the bulletin it appears that we should be using telehealth (in patient’s home) as the location. When we do that I get an error saying procedure code is inconsistent with the provider type/specialty. I tired billing it directly through MN-its with the same results. We have filed all of the necessary paperwork with DHS as of 4/13/23. I’m wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Should we use the covid coding instead?

Thank you!


Taylor Spilde

Fiscal Officer

Norman County Social Services


Monday, June 26, 2023

Paying for Childcare for Children in FC


How does your County handle paying childcare for children in Foster Care.  Considering the MAPCY supplement amount and the total amount of the monthly charges from the facilities.

Do you pay monthly?  Weekly?  Just trying to come up with something easier and more streamline.




Patti Evenson

Accounting Technician

she/ her

Goodhue County Health and Human Services – Finance Division

426 West Avenue, Red Wing, MN 55066

Phone: (651) 385-3221

Fax: (651) 267-4879


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Gift Card Policy question


Nicollet County is looking at revising our policy regarding gift cards as there has been a lot of chatter in recent months about all of the do’s and don’ts (mostly don’ts) related to them.  I’m wondering if anyone would be willing to share their policies.  Mainly interested in HHS and Veteran’s Services but if those policies include anything related to giving them out for employee recognition, those are welcome too.




Christopher Germscheid

Fiscal Supervisor

Finance Department

501 South Minnesota Avenue

St. Peter, MN  56082

Phone:   507-934-7195 

Note: during our fiscal focus group we touched on this subject. We have added a folder that contains a lot of good information regarding gift cards. You can find that information in the link below.

Link to Gift Card Documents

Posted by Blog administrator

Thursday, June 15, 2023

MH Hold payment responsibility


We received a bill for a mental health hold for someone who is not on MA and we have no ties to this case/person. We are wondering who’s responsibility it is to pay this bill? Is this just something the county has to do or does it go back to the client?


Taylor Spilde

Fiscal Officer

Norman County Social Services

Tel:  218-784-5404

Fax:  218-784-7142

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

SUD assessment question


If a client is on a commitment for chemical dependency reasons, and our LADC is doing the case management/treatment coordination, can the LADC do her own SUD assessment even though there’s a diagnosis from a professional already?  If we don’t do an SUD assessment, then we don’t have anything to enter into DAANES, and then can’t bill for any of the treatment coordination time.  If you don’t know the answer, can you please pass along some contacts to assist me in finding the answer?


Thank you,

Lavelle Kroontje

Fiscal Supervisor

Cass County Health Human & Veteran Services

400 Michigan Ave, PO Box 519

Walker, MN 56484


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Billing systems question


What billing systems do counties that have mental health clinics use to bill MMIS or at least capture the information (electronic health record) so that they can input the claim into MN-ITS?  These would be services that mental health professionals would provide, not mental health TCM.   




Janet Nilsen