I’m hoping someone will be willing to share their meal
reimbursement policies. I checked the MCHHSA Blog, and the answers
weren’t really applicable to what I’m looking for.
- If an employee is
transporting Social Services clients and it falls over meal time, I expect
you reimburse for the meal? Do you reimburse the federal rate?
($5.50, $6.50, $8.00) If you reimburse more than that, are there
- What is your policy for
reimbursement when workers take Social Services clients out to eat when
meeting with them?
- Do they have to get
“real food”? Or do you reimburse for just beverages/junk food?
Ie a latte and a package of chocolate donuts?
I appreciate your assistance on this.
County Health Human & Veteran Services
Michigan Ave, PO Box 519
MN 56484
My email address has changed. Please edit your address book to lavelle.kroontje@casscountymn.gov
1. If an employee is transporting Social Services clients and it falls over meal time, I expect you reimburse for the meal? Do you reimburse the federal rate? ($5.50, $6.50, $8.00) If you reimburse more than that, are there limits?
ReplyDeleteBECHS - Director allows client expense at no limit and the staff the county limit (B-$15, L $20, D $25) There isn’t a distance limit either. They can eat in town with a client.
Mille Lacs - will reimburse employee meals when outside the county boundries. (8, 10, 15). - On rare occasions we reimburse for client meals. Typically it happens when transporting children. Again this is rare, with supervisor pre approval. We will reimburse the employee for their own food if they are meeting/traveling outside the county border.
KCMN - We do not. Our administration feels they can pack a lunch. However, if the supervisor fills out a report and requests an ‘exception’ the director can approve it. This rarely happens.
Lake Co - We reimburse workers who take clients out for a meal at cost, with receipt. They know to keep it reasonable. We would also reimburse for junk food, with receipt. There isn’t a policy that addresses this part.
Wright Co - Our county policy indicates they must be outside of Wright County before we would reimburse for a worker meal, so yes, if they are outside of Wright County transporting a client we would reimburse the employee. We follow the MMB Commissioner’s plan. This is a requirement for state grants, so we set that as our maximum even though it is lower than the federal rate.
Sibley Co - If our employees are transporting the client, and they stop for a meal, generally, the social worker pays for all meals, and puts their cost on their expense form, under meals. They are reimbursed up to $40/day (for their own lunch and dinner); and the clients meals are coded as "food and beverage" and it is reimbursed at cost. We do not bill MA or other sources for this, and we also don't bill for the transport miles. We only reimburse when they are out of county, during lunch hours (11 am - 1 pm); or if they are traveling home, and wouldn't get back to the county, without a supper stop before 7 pm.
ReplyDeleteHubbard - Yes, the employee $10, $15 and $20
2. What is your policy for reimbursement when workers take Social Services clients out to eat when meeting with them?
ReplyDeleteBECHS - Director allows the unit supervisor to decide if they will pay for the expense.
Mille Lacs - We do not reimburse for the employee or client when meeting at the local coffee shop to discuss mental health etc.
KCMN - There are no funds for a client or worker to have a meal.
Lake Co - We reimburse workers who take clients out for a meal at cost, with receipt. They know to keep it reasonable. We would also reimburse for junk food, with receipt. There isn’t a policy that addresses this part.
Wright Co - While the Social Workers determine when to provide a meal to a client, we would still only cover the employee’s meal if they are out of county. There is one exception for dealing with vulnerable children and adults and court activities extending during the lunch hour.
Sibley Co - If a worker is just meeting with someone at a restaurant rather than their home, and it is in county, we do not reimburse either worker or client. Depending on the reason for meeting out of county? When they travel many miles to meet their client, as in CP or child placed out of home in another county, then over lunch times, yes, we would reimburse worker and, if they paid for the client meal yes. We do not reimburse the client, if they had a meal, while meeting with the worker, but if worker buys, we pay it.
Hubbard - This rarely happens, but we have reimbursed the employee for the clients meal.
3. Do they have to get “real food”? Or do you reimburse for just beverages/junk food? Ie a latte and a package of chocolate donuts?
ReplyDeleteBECHS - Again, whatever the supervisor approves for the food is allowed.
Mille Lacs - Our policy doesn’t define what is an acceptable meal. If an employee buys an $8 cherry slushy for breakfast, I will approve it.
KCMN - No reimbursement.
Lake Co - We reimburse workers who take clients out for a meal at cost, with receipt. They know to keep it reasonable. We would also reimburse for junk food, with receipt. There isn’t a policy that addresses this part.
Wright Co - We don’t judge food choices, except that we do not cover alcohol (federal uniform guidance), even if their total meal with alcohol is under the MMB per diem. Our payroll team is judgmental on the timing. Staff that have purchased a meal and then 2 hours later purchased a water from vending have been denied for the water because it’s no longer lunch. That isn’t written in our policy and I don’t agree with it.
Hubbard - For the employee, a meal reimbursed. In general, I don’t recall seeing the employees getting junk food. The volunteer drivers on the other hand, they will turn in receipts for donuts and such.
At Benton County we have paid for a few client meals and coffees but don’t have a formal policy. This topic is on the table for an upcoming management team discussion.