Friday, June 26, 2020

CARES spending


How are other counties spending this new Federal CARES Act Funding Bill money that Rep Barb Haley just sent out this week?

And how are your counties justifying what is COVID related spending and what is not?

Gwen Resech

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Amazon Business Account Question


Does anyone use an Amazon Business account for their agency?  We are looking at setting this up due to the increased number of Amazon purchases and to ensure that no one is gaining personally with their own credit card perks.  If you do use, please let me know how it’s working and if you have developed a policy/procedure… I’d love to see it.


Jen Albjerg
Fiscal Manager
Grant County Social Services
Grant County Highway Dept
Region IV Adult Mental Health Initiative
Phone:  218-685-8218
Fax:  218-685-4978

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Reconciling Maxis Invoice


I am looking for a county that has a good procedure in place for reconciling the maxis invoice.
Hoping someone has one to share.

Lisa Stadler
Accounting and Collections Supervisor
Rice County Social Services

Monday, June 22, 2020

Tracking Cash


How does your HHS department handle cash?  Do you track it on a Fund level or Department level?  Our Auditor’s office is questioning our process and would like to know how other counties handle the tracking of cash.


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Friday, June 19, 2020

Reimb for meals/mileage


Two Blog questions

1.  What are county policies regarding reimbursement for meals?  Has that changed? Are you following Federal guidelines?
2.  What are county policies for mileage reimbursement for own car between offices, over a certain miles?  Do you encourage use of agency vehicles?

Thank you

Scott Nagel
Fiscal Manager
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
Jackson, Minnesota 56143

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

72 hour MH holds/no insurance


During our budget planning sessions this year, a question was raised about bills we are receiving from hospitals across the state when one of our county residents is put on a 72 hour mental health hold and they have no insurance.  We are responsible for covering these costs. When we receive these bills timely, we can work to get the individual on MA and MA often covers retroactively for up to 3 months.  However, we often do not receive these until after 3 months has past and then we are left to use county funding to cover some pretty high costs. 
Are there any counties that have a better process, so 72 hour hold bills are received more timely?

Emily Ehnes
Fiscal Supervisor
Sherburne County Health & Human Services
phone 763-765-4025  fax 763-765-4096

Monday, June 8, 2020

Gas/Gift Cards


More and more state grants are suggesting gas cards, or gift cards as acceptable uses of grant and allocation funds.  Could other counties share their policies and procedures for gas cards and gift cards?  We find the process labor intensive including an OnBase form to obtain supervisor approval, individual inventory tracking of each card, and then if it is for a child in social services it would require entry in SSIS.

Thanks Julie!

Wright County, Minnesota
Christine Partlow • Business Manager • (763) 682-7409