Friday, August 30, 2024

MN Trans claims over 50 Lines


At Cass County, we have transportation claims to DHS that exceed 50 lines.  This creates quite a bit of manual manipulation on our part, which is extra time and space for error.  I spoke with MNITS about allowing more (EDI allows up to 1,500 lines) and got NO, they’re not interested in doing this, for an answer.  I’ve reached out to MNCCC/IFS for an enhancement request for the claim to be automatically split, and they’re looking into it.


What do other counties do if claims are over 50 lines?  Would anyone be willing to attend the IFS enhancement committee to express interest in passing this?


Thank you,


Lavelle Kroontje

Fiscal Supervisor

Cass County Health Human & Veteran Services

400 Michigan Ave, PO Box 519

Walker, MN 56484

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am on the JIC committee and attend those meetings and can assist.
