Thursday, February 1, 2024

MH TCM for child with Adoption Assistance


Can you bill MH TCM for an MA child who receives adoption assistance?  We are trying to figure out why they aren’t showing up as claimable.  Does it have something to do with the adoption assistance?


Deanna Swendseid

Fiscal Supervisor

Marshall County Social Services

208 E Colvin Ave Ste 14

Warren MN 56762

P: 218.745.5124

F: 218.745.5260


  1. Lavelle Kroontje-CassFebruary 1, 2024 at 3:54 PM

    I do not believe the adoption assistance program would have anything to do with the MHTCM claiming. I would check the Time Proofing report? or the potentially billable report? Cass is happy to assist if you need us to. Lacey or Lavelle and we're in the directory.

  2. I would agree with Lavelle.

    1. The time proofing report is where I would start. Kacey-Stearns
