Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Combined Public Health and SS Budgets


If you’re a combined Public Health & Social Service Agency, did you combine your budgets or leave them separate?  What do we need to take into consideration in either situation? Is there anything else that would be helpful?






Marlene Remmel

Fiscal & Child Support Supervisor

114 N Holcombe Ave Ste 180

Litchfield MN 55355-2273

320-693-5300 ext 310

320-693-5344 Fax



  1. At Cass County, we are a Health, Human, and Veterans Services. We have separate departments for Public Health, Social Services, Income Maintenance/Child Support, and Veterans Services. Our budgets are under separate departments, but one HHVS budget/fund. I'm fairly new in this position, but I've appreciated that our accounts are structured after the BRASS codes and PH Activities and IMU funding types.

  2. Benton handles budget the same way. One fund, separate departments for SS, IM and PH.

  3. St Louis County has both the Human Services and Public Health in one Fund, but are separate agencies
