Monday, October 25, 2021

MAXIS & PRISM Access question


I'm wondering what kind of MAXIS & PRISM access  Fiscal Supervisors have that supervise both Accounting & Child Support Departments.


Marlene Remmel

Fiscal Supervisor

114 N Holcombe Ave Ste 180

Litchfield MN 55355-2273

320-693-5300 ext 310

320-693-5344 Fax


  1. Hi Marlene,
    The State made me choose between MAXIS and Prism calling it a conflict to have access to both. I chose Prism as I have to keep cases moving in that system. I'm not sure what some counties do that have the Income Maintenance Supervisor also supervising Child Support.

    1. That is actually changing. It should be ready by the end of Oct or early Nov, they have fast tracked the access.
      What they are doing (because so many of us Supervise both IM and CS and in my case I am Fiscal too) is creating a new roll that can be requested. It is: CTYDSS. This allows you to have rights in MAXIS - approval, etc and in PRISM you have complete viewing rights and you can approve as the Supervisor, etc the only thing you CAN'T do is move money around in PRISM. That will have to continue to be done by one of your workers.
