Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Meal Reimbursement Policies


I’m hoping someone will be willing to share their meal reimbursement policies.  I checked the MCHHSA Blog, and the answers weren’t really applicable to what I’m looking for.


  1. If an employee is transporting Social Services clients and it falls over meal time, I expect you reimburse for the meal?  Do you reimburse the federal rate? ($5.50, $6.50, $8.00)  If you reimburse more than that, are there limits?


  1. What is your policy for reimbursement when workers take Social Services clients out to eat when meeting with them? 


  1. Do they have to get “real food”?  Or do you reimburse for just beverages/junk food?  Ie a latte and a package of chocolate donuts?


I appreciate your assistance on this.



Lavelle Kroontje

Fiscal Supervisor

Cass County Health Human & Veteran Services

400 Michigan Ave, PO Box 519

Walker, MN 56484


My email address has changed. Please edit your address book to lavelle.kroontje@casscountymn.gov