Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ucare MH TCM Claims denial


Good Morning,

Wondering if I can get a question posted on the blog when you have time please?


My claims are denying from Ucare MH TCM for a client.  The client has BCBS private insurance.  Ucare is telling me since the client has private insurance we have to bill this prior to Ucare paying.  Are other counties having issues with this?  Do you bill the TPL?  If not, how do you get Ucare to pay? 


Thank you!


Carrie Kisor

Accounting Specialist

HHS Finance

622 S Front Street

St. Peter, MN  56082

Phone:   507-934-8578

Mission:  Providing efficient services with innovation and accountability.

Core Values:  Integrity. Accountability.  Innovation.  Leadership.  Efficiency

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

MA-EPD Direct Deposit


Marshall County mails checks for the MA-EPD premium reimbursements each month, however one of my EW’s just came and said there is an option of Direct Deposit for our clients.  Are other counties offering this and if so, what do I need to do to implement this? Also, does the County HAVE to offer it?




Deanna Swendseid

Fiscal Supervisor

Marshall County Social Services

208 E Colvin Ave Ste 14

Warren MN 56762

P: 218.745.5124

F: 218.745.5260
