Thursday, September 21, 2023

Medica billing question


Medica was approved as a Special Needs Basic Care (SNBC) provider as of January for our county but is not one of our PMAP providers.  We are now running into an issue with the clients on SNBC that have elected Medica and we are offering MH TCM  services to the client.  We are under the assumption that we would not be able to bill MH TCM to Medica since they are not our PMAP provider.


Does anyone know if this is correct or has had  issue/experience with this? 

Does anyone know if you can contract with a provider even if they are not one of your PMAP providers so we could bill for these client?

Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

Carrie Kisor

Accounting Specialist

Finance Department

501 South Minnesota Avenue

St. Peter, MN  56082

Phone:   507-934-8578