Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PMAP procedures questions/examples


I’m interested in getting examples of procedures for entering PMAP claims for TCM into MN E Connect and Availity.
In particular I am interested in what documentation folks are savings for audit purposes and how long.

Lisa Stadler
Accounting and Collections Supervisor
Rice County Social Services

Provider Tax/Service Category


There was a topic brought up at the last Public Health Regional Meeting regarding the Provider Tax.  Are other counties including public health home visits in the gross receipt section?  What service category are you including this under?


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor/Collections Officer

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200

Thursday, July 11, 2019

FC Mileage and other expenses

We are updating our Foster Care Handbook, and are wondering how other counties are handling non-medical mileage reimbursement.  Are you including it all in the MAPCY rate, gas cards, paying full federal rate for each eligible trip?

Any other options would be appreciated!


Carli Goble
Fiscal Supervisor/Collections Officer

Aitkin County Health & Human Services
Accounting Department
204 1st Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone (218) 927-7200